Thursday, October 29, 2009

A Good Book?

I'm jonesing for a good book. I have about 5 books that I recently bought and, sadly, none of them is doing it for me. And I really, really want to like them. One is actually the third book from an author I've read in the past. I never loved the other two I read, but I enjoyed them. But this one, I'm just not getting into it (although I think it has one of the prettiest covers I've seen in a while). Last night I started LIAR and I'm hoping I like it. Everyone seems to have something to say about the book, so we'll see.

I just wish I had a book that I couldn't put down.


Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed Liar. It takes a weird turn in the middle but I love the uncertainty that the reader feels throughout the entire thing. I hope you like it! :)

Anonymous said...

20 Boy Summer by Sarah Ockler is really good and moving.

Jenny O'Connell said...

I'm working my way through Liar. I tried to read 20 Boy Summer but stalled after a few chapters. I don't tend to enjoy young main characters, or those that feel too young for their age to me. Nothing against the book, I just wasn't pulled in.

Jenny O'Connell said...

I'm working my way through Liar. I tried to read 20 Boy Summer but stalled after a few chapters. I don't tend to enjoy young main characters, or those that feel too young for their age to me. Nothing against the book, I just wasn't pulled in.